May 21, 2010

First Week of Summer

Basically I've been on summer vaca for about a week now. What has been going on?
  • I have slept more than I could ever wish for.
  • I have not worked.
  • I downloaded some songs.
  • I find myself sitting around.
  • I went out drinking with my BFF
    • Side note: we both lost umbrellas and a piece of jewelry... robbed by gnomes perhaps.

I'm so flipping bored.

Tomorrow I journey back to Manhattan to see the boyfriend (finally) and hang out with my big bottle of wine. I'll get to go to the store and stock up on groceries. Maybe I'll even get back in time to go to the rec and workout. Who knows what it holds...

All of this boredom and nothingness will be rather short-lived. On Monday my on-campus summer class begins as well as I start working again. I get to encompass the joy of waking up at six am and serving coffee to the wonderful staff at K-State.

But I'm broke. So working is kinda necessary.

May 19, 2010

Dog Day of Summer

Basically I've sat around and ate food all day. Oh and then there are the dogs that I have to take out every 3-4 hours.

They basically sit around and pout if I let them run around so I just keep putting them back in the kennel. Tank also peed on the driveway today. He was on the edge of the driveway but just didn't quite make it off. This was after he drank water so fast that he coughed some of it back up... then started licking it up. Classy, eh?

I've watched a lot of Lost as well. I'm one episode away from being completely caught up. But what am I supposed to do from Wednesday to Sunday? I'll be lost without my Lost!

While watching the current episode I am on, I was approached by a rather large, black spider. It quickly met its demise.

Soon I shall be going to bed. That's assuming I'm not too freaked out by large spiders crawling all over my bed.

May 17, 2010

My First Boring Post

Today's activities were minimal. I'm going a little insane being locked away in KC. My father looked at me with judging eyes as I drank a (very small) glass of wine. Meanwhile, my brother decided to drink it like a shooter.


I won't go into details about my foot issues. It's more of a nuisance than painful. Let's just say that.

I really don't know what to "blog" about. I've condensed my most important and relevant thoughts to 140 characters and I think there are plenty of others who can say the same.

Hence why I begin a new paragraph every other sentence.

If you find this annoying.

Don't join Twitter.